Applications are now open!
The Trustees of the Gold Service Scholarship have confirmed the launch of the 2023/24 Competition. Application entries will be open from Monday 4th September 2023 until close of business on Tuesday 3rd October 2023
The trustees with the 2023 finalists, Claridges Hotel
The Gold Service Scholarship not only rewards service excellence, but also celebrates the vital role that service plays in the broad hospitality sector.
Launched in 2012, the Scholarship offers the opportunity for young ambitious people to hone their craft through mentoring and placement opportunities provided by top professionals and businesses.
2023 Scholar Jupiter Humphrey-Bishop a footman at the Royal Household
The Scholarship supports the development of individuals with potential, and along with the thriving Team Gold community, seek to ensure a bright future for hospitality.
Wonderful visit to the Mosel Vineyards with Team Gold
Over the last decade, candidates and eventual Scholars, have come from hugely diverse hospitality backgrounds – including five-star luxury hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants, large events companies, Royal palaces, and football stadium catering sites. Each one of these young front-of-house contenders (aged 22-28 to qualify for the competition) has focused goals – to improve their skills set, to progress in their career, to learn from senior industry leaders, and to network with like-minded aspiring professionals.
I cannot say enough how wonderful it is to be involved in the judging of such a wonderful competition, if you would like to know more about the competition please let me know, I would be delighted to talk to your team in any establishment.